Monday, April 4, 2011

Rumor: Ocarina of Time 3DS Release Date, Along with Kid Icarus and Others

Legend-of-Zelda-Ocarina-of-Time-3DS-Heart-Gameplay.jpg Generally rumors don't hold a lot of weight this time of year, but this one coincides with Iwata previously hinting at a June release for Ocarina of Time 3DS. A distribution list for Spain has been leaked to the net and has some rather enticing information about the release dates for several of the 3DS's key games. It has Ocarina of Time 3DS slated to release on June 17th, 2011. Keep in mind that's a european launch date, not a US date. You need to keep that in mind because after the jump it has Raving Rabbids 3D slated for a few days ago, while in the US it comes out on April 10th.

  • Raving Rabbids 3D - April 1
  • Puzzle Bobble Universe - April 22
  • James Noir's Hollywood Crimes - May 6
  • Driver Renegade - May 6th
  • Resident Evil: The Mercenaries - May 6
  • Kid Icarus: Uprising - May 6
  • Starfox 64 3D: May 6
  • Dead or Alive: Dimensions - May 27
  • Sports Island 3D - June 3
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D - June 17
  • Naruto Shippuden 3D - June 17

The only thing that really looks odd to me is so many big titles releasing on May 6th. While none of these dates, even if true, have any bearing on US releases. if true it could potentially tell us that several games are coming sooner than expected.

Skyward Sword Enemy of the Week #2: Gel & Zol


Enemy Profile: Gel & Zol

Enemy Type: Sentient Jelly
History: The Legend of Zelda, A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Four Swords, Four Swords Adventures, Phantom Hourglass
Attacks: Unknown
Varieties: Gel, Zol

The Gel & Zol combo first appeared in the original Legend of Zelda as a large droplet monster that, if you struck it with your sword, divided into two smaller fragments. They aren't too complicated beyond that - Zols deal damage if they touch you, and the tiny Gels typically just try to latch onto you to slow you down. Zols came back in almost all of the 2D Zelda games to follow, with the three exceptions being Zelda II, Minish Cap, and Spirit Tracks. So far, they've been totally absent from 3D console titles - until now.

Zol.pngIn Skyward Sword, they behave in more or less the same way as their 2D counterparts. The larger Zols will move around slowly, hoping to eat or otherwise kill you (how do most enemies in the series hurt you anyway?). You've probably seen the screenshot depicting them as you see at right. For awhile, the fan community thought they might be the new version of the ChuChus, a new enemy that's been in almost every game since Wind Waker, but online demo footage showed that they were actually Zols when players cut through them and they split into two smaller slime creatures.

The Gels also inherit their behavior from the previous games. They'll latch onto Link and slow him down, and you'll have to shake your controllers violently to knock them off before you can strike them down. If you take too long to kill them, they can reform into a Zol once again, forcing you to go through the process all over again. Nothing too difficult from what I can tell, but still a really nice throwback to the older games. Check out the footage below for some shots of the Gel & Zol in action (they appear at around 9:00).

Skyward Sword Named After Miyamoto's Favorite Japanese Bakery

miyamoto_reggie.jpg This bit a news just hit my inbox this morning and was too juicy to pass up. Everyone recognizes the above photo taken last year as Reggie and Miyamoto chow down on some Mario cake in celebration. What most don't know is the cake itself origination from Miyamoto's favorite bakery in Japan. What also is overlooked is the importance of that bakery in Nintendo's upcoming Zelda game, Skyward Sword. This comes from an interview at IGN:

IGN: While the name Skyward Sword makes sense in the context of Skyloft in the upcoming Wii title, was their any other inspiration for the game that came from your experiences?

Miyamoto: *laughs* I like to think there is a bit of my real world experiences in every game I create. If we want to narrow it down to just this particular game, the title was actually inspired by my favorite Bakery back home called Skyward Donuts and More.

IGN: Wait, a Bakery inspired a Zelda title?

Miyamoto: They do fantastic work with all Nintendo related cakes at PR events, so it only makes sense. We always wanted to tell the story of Link in the clouds, but coming up with just the right term to express that was hard. However, I happen to be going to Skyward Donuts and More one morning to get breakfast and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Skyward... Sword. Amazing how that works.

IGN: Amazing indeed.

This was definitely not what I expected. Earlier it was explained Skyward Sword was named because of the motion plus sword controls and the importance of Skyloft, but apparently coming up with just the right term to express that was harder than most thought. Thank goodness Miyamoto has an amazing bakery to inspire him. One has to wonder if this means we could see other bakery inspired items in the game. What would be some bakery style items you would like to see in Skyward Sword?

Skyward Sword Named After Miyamoto's Favorite Japanese Bakery

miyamoto_reggie.jpg This bit a news just hit my inbox this morning and was too juicy to pass up. Everyone recognizes the above photo taken last year as Reggie and Miyamoto chow down on some Mario cake in celebration. What most don't know is the cake itself origination from Miyamoto's favorite bakery in Japan. What also is overlooked is the importance of that bakery in Nintendo's upcoming Zelda game, Skyward Sword. This comes from an interview at IGN:

IGN: While the name Skyward Sword makes sense in the context of Skyloft in the upcoming Wii title, was their any other inspiration for the game that came from your experiences?

Miyamoto: *laughs* I like to think there is a bit of my real world experiences in every game I create. If we want to narrow it down to just this particular game, the title was actually inspired by my favorite Bakery back home called Skyward Donuts and More.

IGN: Wait, a Bakery inspired a Zelda title?

Miyamoto: They do fantastic work with all Nintendo related cakes at PR events, so it only makes sense. We always wanted to tell the story of Link in the clouds, but coming up with just the right term to express that was hard. However, I happen to be going to Skyward Donuts and More one morning to get breakfast and it just hit me like a ton of bricks. Skyward... Sword. Amazing how that works.

IGN: Amazing indeed.

This was definitely not what I expected. Earlier it was explained Skyward Sword was named because of the motion plus sword controls and the importance of Skyloft, but apparently coming up with just the right term to express that was harder than most thought. Thank goodness Miyamoto has an amazing bakery to inspire him. One has to wonder if this means we could see other bakery inspired items in the game. What would be some bakery style items you would like to see in Skyward Sword?

Nintendo 3DS: Yet More Extensive Impressions

Nintendo 3DS Aqua Box With the Australian release of the Nintendo 3DS on Thursday March 31st, Nintendo's revolutionary new console has now completed its triumphant launch around the world. It started here at Zelda Informer with Matt's review hot off the European release, and then Nate's unboxing the 3DS video as it hit the States. As a follow up to my review of the 3DS from a preview event over a month ago, I've gotten quite acquainted with my little aqua beauty over the last 24 hours, so read on for my thoughts.
As I couldn't make it to the midnight launch and had to wait until I'd finished classes before I could make my purchase - it was a long day. The radio on the bus in the morning rubbed in the fact that I didn't have a 3DS yet, and the only thing that really got my attention in class that day was how many times the phrase 'DS model' was said. That's the Demand-Supply model for you uneconomically trained, but of course, those initials mean so much more for us. Once the time finally came, this beast was hard to track down. For those without the security of pre-orders, the Nintendo 3DS is one that customers of all ages are lining up for. Some shops are already resorting to backorders.
Once I was finally home and unpacking the box, there were a number of treats to be found inside. As well as the expected charger, instruction books and whatnot, there is also what the box calls a 'charging cradle', which is more or less just a stand. I like to think of it as a podium for the 3DS to sit in honour - as it rightly deserves. With fan-boy worshipping now behind us, we can really get into things. Also in the box were the AR (Augmented Reality) Games cards which I'll come back to in a bit.
Getting closer to the actual 3DS itself, I came across the new extendable and metal-finished stylus, which is now stored up back next to the game slot. Already inserted into the system is a complimentary 2GB SD card, which is absolutely fabulous (even more so than the show). It's a boost to the memory for the console, and provides the immediate ability for those previously without SD cards, such as myself, to get audio and images onto their consoles - assuming your computer has an SD card slot which is a fairly standard feature these days.
And now for the console itself, it sure is a little beauty, to use the full meaning of the phrase. It's especially little if you've been using a DSi XL, as it's around the same size as the standard DSi, but packs in the goodness. Of course, it's a beauty because of its lustrous shiny finish. Getting yet closer I was mostly satisfied. All of the classic DS's interface button's are here, along with the new thumb-pad, which as I said when I first trialled the console, is extremely comfortable. It allows for the ultimate 360 degree precision control, and is something that I hope to see implemented in future home consoles. That's right, to replace the control stick - the time has finally come.
The new location of the Start and Select buttons is underneath the touch screen along with the new home button, which are welcomed changes. The touch screen is also of a higher resolution than in the past, so touch controls are even more accurate. It's all fantastic. You can toggle wireless communications on and off as well. The volume is controlled by a slider, which is a downgrade from the DSi's buttons in my opinion, but it barely matters.
For those who play on the go, there is the battery life concern, but the idea of the 'charging cradle' is that you charge him up every night so he's all ready for the next day. Battery isn't a concern in my opinion, so I don't have much to say on that. As for the wireless connectivity and features - that is truly impressive. With sleep mode, this console is pretty much always connected. Friend lists, new notifications, updates, street pass and on and on. The social aspect is a striking feature of the 3DS, and is only likely to become increasingly impressive as new software is released.
3DS Charging Cradle Now for the selling point - the 3D. With or without the 3D even on, the graphics are impressive. With it on, they are far beyond impressive. Even the crisply redesigned home menu pulls off some impressive 3D with just text and the basics. The slider is there for you to control the intensity of the 3D that suits you, and I've found that as a person with double-vision and long-sightedness, full 3D is too blurry. Around 70% intensity I've found to be my equilibrium. It is also true that extended amounts of play can make you a little whoosy, and it is blurry if you don't hold it in the right spot. The feature is overall extremely impressive to hold in your own hands, so the little things don't matter. I do wonder, however, if they are a novelty that will slowly ware off with time. Without continuously releasing software that drives the feature and makes full use of it, beyond just being in 3D, I fear that it will become taken for granted - a bit like movies. Time will tell, because the potential for so much more is there.
Moving on to the software that comes pre-installed on the console, there is a fair amount. The redesigned home menu allows for higher customization, and there's even the ability to run some applications and games simultaneously. Features include a notepad for taking 'game notes', a friends list, notifications, more settings options than the DS, Download Play and an activity log which logs your steps (like a pedometer) as well as your playtime (sort of like on the Wii). The console itself contains manuals and the health and safety instructions, making the printed documentation even more useless then it usually is.
Both the sound and camera features of the DSi make a return, but with massive overhauls. For starters, the camera is 3D so taking pictures of some pretty standard stuff manages to be exciting. Who would have thought that seeing things on a screen like we see them in everyday life would be so amazing, but it is. Lemon trees, pets, even paperwork on a table has so much depth. Expect standard cameras to be all over this 3D image stuff pretty fast. 3DS sound also has heaps of tools to edit your recorded sounds or to play with your audio files, whether it's removing lyrics, playing it backwards, changing the pitch, changing the tempo or heaps of other features. The best bit is that the 3DS takes MP3 files, not just AAC like the DSi did.
The rest of the pre-installed software manages to be quite addictive and time occupying. There's the Mii Maker - which allows for the traditional design method, or using the camera you can quickly whip up a half-decent doppleganger of yourself. In the Street Pass Mii Plaza you can collect other people's Miis, play a puzzle mini game, or a RPG based around rescuing your Mii. Both require collecting lots of Miis via street pass. QR Code is also really quite awesome, and something you should check out. It's where you can convert your Mii to a boring looking black and white coded picture. You can then send this to friends who can take a picture of it with their console and like magic, your Mii is now on their 3DS. You can also quickly wirelessly port over your Miis from your Wii, but unfortunately you have to create a separate one to be your personal Mii, and can't sync it with your one on the Wii. Not a major problem.
The two most notable pre-installed titles are the AR Games and Face Raiders. Face Raiders is a game where you take pictures of faces - your own and other people's - and then have to shoot them down as they attack from all directions. You use the gyroscope feature to aim 360 degrees around you, as they destroy the walls of the room to get at you. If you're one of those people who leans to try and see around the corner while playing Mario Kart Wii, then this is as close as you can actually get to succeeding at that endeavor. Unfortunately I haven't yet come across anything that users the motion sensing controls. In the Augmented Reality Games you aim the camera at the Nintendo character cards which leads to a number of mini-games. One of them has you making Nintendo characters run around your table. Others have you shooting targets, catching fish and playing a hybrid of pool and mini-golf - all on your own table, or whatever it might be, distorted in the third dimension. Augmented Reality features in other games too, such as Nintendogs + Cats where you can bring your friends into the real world - well, kind of.
Augmented Reality Games That's it for the bundled software. The internet browser and shop are slated for a future update, however there is no sign of Pictochat - which brings a moment of sadness. The amazing features that the console can pull off without any of the launch titles are really tempting me to go out and get Pilotwings Resort and Nintendogs + Cats. It's a shame that there is a bit of a wait before we start seeing games like Ocarina of Time and Kid Icarus that simply must be had. As is my case, none of the launch titles would usually appeal to me, so they aren't worth the money of a student's budget, meaning the 3DS might have to go unused for a while. Its backward compatibility will make sure it's not completely neglected though. Also note future software's possibilities to fully utilize the consoles features, like the camera. In the past DS games couldn't do this because DS and DS Lite users would miss out, but now the playing field is equal. Also makes you wonder how long until we see a new version of the 3DS, if at all.
Another turn taken by Nintendo with 3DS is an environmentally friendly one, which is warmly welcomed. The game cases are less bulky, and with their 'breathing holes', use a lot less plastic to manufacture. Little things like this and everything else all come together to make an extremely impressive console. There are so many features, so many surprises and so much more that's still to come. Just as I checked my 3DS now a new video update was available that was over a minute of natural visuals in full 3D. The splashing water was especially cool - which it really isn't when you just read this. Lots of features are promised for the 3DS and this video nicely alluded to the many things to come.
Wrapping it all up, what I can say is that "wrapping up" the 3DS as a present for someone is probably one of the nicest things you could do right now. Even as a console alone - it's just that good. With so much great software to come, it's only going to get better for those with a 3DS as time rolls on. People can complain about the price being too high, but you're paying for what you get. The ads say you have to see it to believe it, and once you've seen it, price isn't an issue. The old cliché says that money can't buy happiness, but the Nintendo 3DS proves that money sure can buy things that make you happy. To say the 3DS is too expensive is to put a very small monetary value on your own happiness.

Nintendo's Next Home Console "Likely Won't" Use Stereoscopic 3D

Reggie_3DS_no_3d_wii2.jpgYou'd think that with the big push 3DS is giving the idea of games in stereoscopic 3D, Nintendo's next move in the home console business would be to drive that push even further. But, as Reggie told CNN a few days ago, that isn't going to be the case. He didn't exactly elaborate on why this might be the case, but it's enough to get us wondering. See his exact comment below:
Glasses-free is a big deal. We've not said publicly what the next thing for us will be in the home console space, but based on what we've learned on 3-D, likely, that won't be it.

His wording intrigues me for two reasons. One, he says that the fact that 3D won't be a big feature of the next console comes from "what we've learned on 3D," which suggests to me that there's something about 3D that Nintendo thinks isn't right for the home console space. Previously they've talked about the lack of a market for 3D displays as an issue, so their hesitance to push 3D might simply boil down to that. I can't help wondering, however, whether there's more to it.

After all, most 3D games have never quite reached the iconic status that pretty much every major NES game achieved - not to say that none of them have done so, Ocarina of Time being the best example. Nintendo has shown through its renewed attention to the Super Mario Bros. series that this classic arcade-style approach still rules the industry, and last year we saw a slew of similar side-scrolling software that carried the holiday season. Maybe Nintendo's decided to invest more in those areas than in advancing 3D gameplay? Of course, this is just a shot in the dark - and not one that even I find particularly likely. (Offhand, I think that trying to keep consumer costs low like they did with the Wii is a much better guess.)

The other interesting element of the comment is that he isn't entirely committed to that answer - he says it's only "likely" that the next console won't capitalize on 3D. Is development of the new hardware not far enough along that Reggie can give a dedicated yes or no in terms of what its features will be? Or is he simply being vague for PR and accuracy purposes? With rumors of new Nintendo hardware already on the horizon, not to mention that this is the Wii's fifth year on the market, my gut tells me to go with ambiguity, but with Reggie equally noncommittal about the appearance of an upcoming Nintendo console in the near future I honestly don't know what to believe.

The choice to forgo 3D for the next console also strikes me as interesting because, hypothetically, should Nintendo's 3DS really establish stereoscopic display as the norm for handheld gaming, what will that do for 3D demand in the console space? From my own personal experiences with the 3DS so far not only have I found 3D viewing to be the "more natural" way to see the software but I also found it weird to transition back to 2D software on my Wii and DS. After the 3DS settles into the customer base, will they be able to "go back" to 2D displays? I suppose in a sense they already have to given that the Wii doesn't output in 3D (not to mention that most people don't watch TV in 3D), but it's still an interesting concern and kind of questions whether 3D is really going to be a sustaining innovation like the Wii's motion controls or the DS's Touch Screen or just a temporary tech craze that gets passed over later on - and what it is exactly that Nintendo has "learned" about it.

The 3DS Launch Unpacked, Did it Go Well After All?

3DS-launch-bowser.jpg It's kind of funny. The 3DS apparently achieved new records for the highest numbers of preorders and day one sales for any Nintendo portable system, ever. We've seen crazy turnouts for launch day parties, high optimism from Nintendo, and everything that you'd think would mark a strong handheld launch. And yet...we're not seeing the level of shortages we saw with the Wii. While some stores exhausted their stock pretty quickly, other still have plenty. Some sites like GameDaily have already gone on to project why there just isn't as much of an explosion with the launch of the 3DS as Nintendo might have expected, and we're going to try our best to consider all the factors too.

Spring is a Stagnant Time of Year for Game Consoles

wii_shortage_3ds_launch.jpgSince when have games performed outstandingly well in the early quarters of the year? Super Mario Galaxy 2, Mario Kart Wii, and Super Smash Bros. Brawl all despite going strong out the gate didn't fully tap into the initial sales boom until the holiday seasons months later, defying the conventional wisdom that sales are consistently strongest at launch and decline from there (Mario Kart is the best example as it actually sold better during the holidays than at launch). We see this more keenly with consoles - Wii's strongest quarter ever came around when New Super Mario Bros. Wii debuted, despite the game not appearing until three years into the console's life. Given that the 3DS is debuting right smack in the middle of the deadest sales season in the industry, it's no surprise that it didn't make the same waves that Wii did given that Wii launched right before the holiday shopping season.

I get the feeling Nintendo is doing this on purpose. First of all, it ensures that their shipments will be able to meet demand so that there aren't terrible shortages. Second of all, it gives their system more of an install base for later in the year when the killer apps start flowing. It may not seem like the best idea, but we'll see in the long term.

Now, some of our staff have the impression that later on in the year, we'll start seeing Wii-level shortages. It's certainly possible - at certain points there were Wii shortages in some stores even in the later years - but I'm not entirely sure we should expect that. Nintendo kept the 3DS launch pretty late in order to make sure that production kept up with demand and I think they're going to keep that up for the rest of the year.

Full Functionality Won't Come About Until May

This is probably the simplest reason: no Internet browser or e-shop until later this spring. People aren't going to pay top dollar for something that isn't fully functional out the gate - they'll wait until they know exactly what they're buying. We haven't seen the web browser in action and even though there's been some talk of re-releasing "3D Classics" we don't exactly know what that'll mean exactly just yet, so they're understandably not the system's strongest selling points right now. I wonder how consumers will respond when these things go live and we know more.

Lack of Strong Advertising

And by that I don't mean there hasn't been any advertising - I just mean that most of the advertising has been focused on the software itself, and most of that on its glasses-free 3D. Where are all the game advertisements? I guess we should consider that there hasn't been any game worth dumping a massive promotional campaign on - but still, Nintendo did a great job marketing the Wii and it feels like they haven't done as good a job selling the gameplay possibilities that the 3DS offers. It kind of worries me - particularly given that a lot of people, even fans of the initial Wii software like Wii Sports or Wii Play, are responding to the early 3DS games as though they're shallow tech demos.

I can kind of see why this is. Outside of Nintendogs + cats, none of the 3DS software offers a strong multiplayer mode. The game content has a set ceiling, and once you reach that ceiling there's not much more the game has to offer. Sure, Nintendogs was pretty darn popular, but among the hardcore gaming crowd, the major game console customers, it probably won't justify an early purchase.

Lack of Killer Software

That brings us to the heart of the matter - where are the killer apps? This is the first Nintendo console ever to not have a key first-party offering at launch. NES had Super Mario Bros., Game Boy had Super Mario Land, SNES had Super Mario World, Nintendo 64 had Super Mario 64, the GBC had Link's Awakening DX, the GBA had Super Mario Advance, GameCube had Super Smash Bros. Melee, DS had Super Mario 64 DS, and Wii had Twilight Princess. The earliest major piece of first-party software this year will be Ocarina of Time 3D in June - so not surprisingly even the most hardcore Nintendo fans like myself are holding out.

nsmb_box.jpgThe linked GameDaily report speculates whether the new iPad plays a role - but I won't go there.

Don't misinterpret the sentiment here. I'm definitely not saying the 3DS isn't doing well - I'm just trying to figure out why it's not the Absolute Best Launch in Gaming. Of course, this is pretty much a DS tradition - the original DS didn't have the best launch, either, and it came out in November of all months! But once the excellent games started popping up, beginning with New Super Mario Bros. a few months later, the system shot high to heaven.

If I had to guess - and as someone who reports on gaming news, I probably should guess - it looks like even if things aren't going so hot right now, there's no reason to suspect that we won't see a major upturn come June. If that doesn't happen...well, we'll just have to take things as they come.

Nintendo Power Gives Us The Best Moments from The Legend of Zelda NES

Nintendo Power may have lost some luster over the years, but it still provides some rather great talking points. This time around the latest brings us what they feel are the best moments from the original The Legend of Zelda. The one pictured on the left is a given: It's engraved in every gamer's memory whether they played the original or not.

That phrase alone has seen several cameo appearances, even in recent hits such as Epic Mickey and Fable III. It's appeared in popular MMO's such as World of Warcraft and has become a popular internet meme. This of course isn't the only moment Nintendo Power points out.

grumble.gif To the right is another lesser known moment from the game that Nintendo Power points to. For those unaware, this is an enemy in the game who instead of actually wanting to fight Link, he would rather Link feed him to pass. While this Goriya (potentially an old enemy that could return in Skyward Sword, just like the sword beam) blocks the door, he simply requests link venture out and purchase meat to fill his grumbling stomach. A rather odd enemy that could use a reappearance.

003.png This moment, on the left, is significant because it's when you use your whistle to discover the 7th dungeon. As Nintendo Power goes on to give their reasoning for it being one of the best moments, it's noted it wont be the last time Link uses wind instruments in his adventures. Clearly this was the start of any early concepts behind Ocarina of Time.

Of course, the whistle could be used for more than simply discovering the 7th dungeon. You could use it to teleport to any previous dungeon you have completed as well. Why would you want to do this? If you're someone who likes to 100% games, it allows you to go back and find things and passages you may have missed, as well as jump all over the overworld map in order to more quickly access areas that are on opposite sides of the map.

43.jpg To the right marks the original introduction to the Lost Woods, which was later made famous in Ocarina of Time. It's become one of the all time classic puzzles in gaming history. Go the wrong way and you start all over again, and it can be very frustrating if you forget which routes you have already tried. These are the sort of puzzles where people use to bust out the old pencil and paper to keep track of what they are doing and what they have tried.

While that generation of gaming is slowly dying out (most games simply tell you rather obviously what way to go - Majora's Mask had a monkey show you the way, even the original you could buy "directions" for a price), it still marked the start of "choose wisely or be lost forever" type quests. This sort of feature has appeared now in way too many games to count, and it all started back with the original Legend of Zelda game.

zelda_secret_to_everybody.jpg Possibly the 2nd most famous phrase in gaming also was coined in the original game when it referred to it "being a secret to everybody". The meaning behind the phrase is speculated at times, but for those who always wondered what it meant here we go: Moblins are enemies in the series, and instead of wanting to fight Link this particular Moblin actually wants to help him out. He gives him some rupees and tells Link to basically "be quiet" because it's a "secret to everybody" that he is "betraying" his own kind. Or at least, that is what I get from the phrase.

You'll be able to purchase the latest Nintendo Power on April 5th, but for now you can check out exactly what they said about the above listed moments here. Are there more that aren't shown? What are some of your favorite moments from the original game?